The annual BFA graduates’ degree exhibition presents the work of students from all subject areas at the Academy of Fine Arts of Uniarts Helsinki. Exhibition is open from 22 September to 15 October 2023 at Mylly building.
The bachelor’s degree show offers an interesting glimpse into the world of the young artists and presents a great opportunity for the audience to see the works of a large number of artists, who are just taking the first steps in their public careers, in a single venue.
Each participant is allowed to produce the artistic component of their bachelor’s thesis project with no formal restrictions and are thus able to fully showcase the present state of their artistic thinking.
Elias Castrén, Säde Eddie Choo Wen Yi, Heidi Forsman, Ramina Habibollah, Milja Havas, Lina Herrmans, Ginko Hsu, Hermanni Härmälä, Alexa Illi, Aarne Kivelä, Lassi Kontiainen, Aleksandra Kuokkanen, Jani Luoma, Anni Löppönen, David L Nabel, Ellenor Rose Nish, Aala Nyman, Ilia Ollikainen, Lotta Pasila, Helena Pulkkinen, Sara Rantanen, Arvid Staaf, Sakari Vilminko
This year, the BFA exhibition will be accompanied by a publication produced by students of the Contemporary art history and theory programme, which brings together texts about the artists and their works on display in the exhibition. The printed publication will be on display in the exhibition space. The publication is edited by Eero Karjalainen and Isa Lumme and published by the University of the Arts Helsinki. Read the publication in the Taju database.